Letter 20: Cruelty to pet

Problem dear zebra finch friend,
what do i do for my bird well hears how it all started we went to this picnic and when we came home i found out that my baby cousins were messing with my bird and her leg broke i feel bad now what should i do im scared that she mite die or be hurt please can you give me some advice when you get a chance can you write back and tell me what i should do. Sincerely,

Comment Dear Lauren,
what you tell me about your little cousins' atrocity sounds like a nightmare to me. I hope they have received more than just a scolding, but that doesn't help the poor Zebra Finch – it would only help the poor female if there were a danger of a repetition of the deed. What can you do apart from pitying the bird?

First you need a precise diagnosis:

By way of therapy you don't have many options:

Lauren, I wish you all the best for your Zebra Finch,
Hans-Jürgen Martin

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